Once your program has been contracted, you will be assigned a Program Manager. Program Managers will help both faculty and students plan for their program abroad.
Recruitment Assistance
AIM will monitor your recruitment efforts and provide assistance subject to your needs. This may include designing a recruitment plan, establishing a timeline, building a customized website, assisting with program brochures, publicity materials and methods, use of school web site and newspaper, and other strategies. Wherever possible, AIM will also send a representative from either the Madrid center or from the Los Angeles office to conduct classroom visits and present information sessions.
Pre-Departure Advising
AIM works in partnership with your institution to ensure an efficient and friendly experience for all involved. AIMs staff work closely with you to ensure that each detail of the program is taken care of. They will provide answers to your questions; will prompt you to forward information as needed; and will send you the final housing, flights, and other program details as applicable.
Financial Accounting
AIM will bill institutions directly, we will forward invoices according to the agreed-upon schedule.
Student Pre-Departure Information
Before your program begins, AIM will distribute online nformation packs that contain a site manual with everyday information as well as in-depth pre-departure health and safety information to help students and their parents make informed decisions concerning their preparations for study abroad.
We also send information on phone cards, renting cell phones and helpful websites.