Cell Phones
Pay-as-you-go cell phone
Students have found that the cheapest and most effective way to keep in touch is to buy a pay-as-you-go cell phone in Spain. Please note that most past students who got a “global plan” for their American cell phone found that it was neither cheap nor convenient. During orientation, you will receive information regarding cell phones, but here is a brief overview:
There are three major telephone companies in Spain: Movistar, Vodafone and Orange.
A pre-paid cell phone usually costs about 20 euros (and often comes with some “saldo” or
credit already on it). As your saldo decreases, you receive messages letting you know
that it will soon run out. You can “recharge” your balance at any supermarket, tobacco shop,
or large department store (like El Corte Inglés).
Check prices before you arrive:
However, if you get a “global plan” and bring your American phone, be aware that other students
might not want to call your phone as it will cost them anywhere from 50 cents to 1 euro per
minute to call you as they would be calling a U.S. number. Additionally, most students find that
global plan rates still aren’t very good for calling their friends’ Spanish phones either.
Unlocking American Cell Phones
If you really like your American cell phone (just the phone itself), you can get it unlocked before coming here (usually by calling your cell phone service provider and having them give you an unlock code) and just buy a Spanish SIM card. They go for about 9 euros. It’ll work just the same as a pay-as-you-go phone.
*Some cell phone companies are making it harder to unlock phones and this might not be an option
Calling and Texting
If you and your friends all get cell phones from the same phone company, then calls will be cheaper. For example, if you have Movistar and your friend has Movistar, you can talk to him/her for approx.. 5 cents/minute and text for 15 cents. Calling and texting to people of a different company will be significantly more expensive. So before you buy a cell phone, it’d be a good idea to talk with your friends in the program so you all get the same company.
You never get charged for incoming calls or texts. Therefore, if your parents/friends want to call your Spanish cell phone from Skype or a phone card, for example, you will not be charged for receiving that call.
Blackberries and iPhones
Students in the past with Blackberries and iPhones have been able to use BBM or iMessage while here in Spain (check your provider’s rates for using data internationally), but most also purchased a cheap pre-paid cell phone to use for calls/texts within Spain.RoamingYour Spanish cell phone will work all throughout Spain. It will even work in some other countries in Europe but rates vary. Usually the phone company will send you a text when you arrive in a new country to let you know what the rates are while you are there (NOTE: incoming calls/texts are usually NOT free when you are outside Spain).
Our suggestion (unless you get a good international data plan) is to use your U.S. phone at home or at any establishment with WiFi. (Remember that your home stays/ apartments and AIM Center will have WiFi). If you do not have a good data plan turn it off while roaming and just use WiFi. This way you can stay connected via Skype, FaceTime, Viber, Whatsapp etc. Rent or buy a local phone to make calls in Spain to your friends and family or to receive calls.
Your Spanish cell phone will work all throughout Spain. It will even work in some other countries in Europe but rates vary. Usually the phone company will send you a text when you arrive in a new country to let you know what the rates are while you are there (NOTE: incoming calls/texts are usually NOT free when you are outside Spain).
There is also a U,S. provider we have been working with that offer good rates for students and have flat rates for calls between students with the same provider. Additional information will be sent about them once they update their rates, but here is their website if you want to do some research.
Web page about unlocking phones: